Micha Braaksma (2004) is a Dutch multi-disciplinary artist, based in Middelburg, the Netherlands. He focuses on text and imagery, often in the form of poetry and photography, both as stand alone as well as intertwining practices. Besides this, he is actively involved with fashion as a creative director, stylist, and model.
For Braaksma, he sees his writing as primarly a medium for his personal reflections and ideas, instead of as a creative practice. Hence besides his poetry, he also writes non-fiction. His writing is primarly concerned with philosophical themes, especially around existentialism. This is often in the context of his own personal developments as a young adult. With his writing he often combines other artforms, including filmmaking, photography, and music.
Braaksma's photography contrasts his writing in that it fullfils more his creative desire. He feels at home in his studio, as well as on the streets or in nature. Outside he prefers to take and accept what is given to him, relinquishing control to the wind and sun. In the studio instead he strives to carefully control his lighting and composition, yet manipulate it in such a way that the grit, texture, and contrast from outside are parodied inside.
Wim 2, Doopsgezinde Kerk, photography, 19/6/24 - 27/7/24
Leegstand, BooT, 't Spui, photography, 1/6/24 - 17/6/24
Wim 1, Urban Art Gallery, photography, 6/4/24 - 13/4/24
Safe Spaces, Orange the World x LENSE x FemmeTalk, University College Roosevelt, photography, 24/11/24 - 24/12/24
Kunst en Cultuurroute Middelburg, Het Lokaal, photography, poetry, clothing 2/7/23
Emergo, De Scho(o)l, Zeeuwse Bibliotheek, photography, 22/6/23 - 22/7/23
Kunt U het Mij Vertellen, Film by the Sea x de Baaierd, Cinecity, literary movie, 9/9/24
The Photobooth exhibition, The Photobooth x OnTrack Festival, photography, 1/6/24 - 2/6/24
Kunt U het Mij Vertellen, Kunstbende Zeeland, Schouwburg Middelburg, literary movie, 14/4/24
BooT 1st exhibition, BooT, 't Spui, photography, 21/3/24 - 21/6/24
Electron exhibition, MotMot Gallery x Electron, photography, 20/1/24
Dichter op Beeld exhibition 3, Dichter op Beeld, Zeeuwse Bibliotheek, poetry, 2/1/24 - 2/2/24
Vrijheid van Nabijheid, De Scho(o)l, Bibliotheek Oosterschelde, poetry and photography, 3/11/23 - 3/1/24
Dichter op Beeld exhibition 2, Dichter op Beeld, Kaslokaal, poetry, 6/9/23 - 31/10/23
Zeelanders, Gallerij K=L, photography, 8/8/23 - 1/10/23
HZine exhibition, HZ University of Applied Sciences, photography, 14/6/23
Kunstbende exhibition, Kunstbende Zeeland, Scheldetheater Terneuzen, photography, 11/6/23
Dichter op Beeld exhibition 1, Dichter op Beeld, Zeeuwse Bibliotheek, poetry, 22/4/23 - 2/6/23
Yearbook, poetry and photography, 7/24
ROATS, short story, 6/24
The Common Room, poetry, 6/24
Dicht Werk, Zeeuws Museum, poetry, 4/24
De Baaierd, poetry, 1/24
The Common Room, 9/11/23
RAW Journal, poetry, 7/12/23
RAW Journal, poetry and photography, 23/9/23
Pride Special, ROATS Magazine, poetry, 9/9/23
Dichter op Beeld, Bode, photography (including cover), 6/9/23
HZine, short story, 14/6/23
De Baaierd, short story, 5/23
Tabula Rasa, poetry and photography, 27/5/23
4/5 Mei Special, ROATS Magazine, poetry, 4/5/23
Dichter op Beeld, poetry, 22/4/23
Kraamkamer, Film by the Sea x de Baaierd, Cinecity, essay, 13/9/2024
Kunstbende, Kunstbende Zeeland, Schouwburg Middelburg, poetry, 14/4/24
Electron, MotMot Gallery x Electron, poetry, 20/1/24
Kraamkamer, de Baaierd, Porgy en Bess, poetry, 9/12/23
The Hague Fashion Week, The Hague Fashion Week x Kunstbende, fashion show, 6/10/23
Dichter op Beeld, Kaslokaal, poetry, 23/9/23
Kraamkamer, Film by the Sea x de Baaierd, Cinecity, poetry, 15/9/23
Cultura Nova Festival, poetry, 27/8/23
Kraamkamer, Festival Onderstroom x de Baaierd, poetry, 7/7/23
Kunstbende stage, Festival Onderstroom x Kunstbende, fashion showcase, 7/7/23
Kunstcrew, Festival Onderstroom, street theater and poetry, 7/7/23 - 9/7/23
AMZAF Festival, poetry, 1/7/23
ROATS stage, Simmerdeis Festival x BROEI x ROATS Magazine, poetry, 24/6/23 - 25/6/23
Kunstcrew, Eindeloos Eiland Festival, theater, 23/6/23
Kunstbende, Kunstbende Zeeland, Scheldetheater Terneuzen, poetry, 11/6/23
Kunstbende, Kunstbende Zeeland, Scheldetheater Terneuzen, poetry/music, 11/6/23
Kunstbende, Kunstbende Zeeland, Scheldetheater, Terneuzen, fashion show, 11/6/23
Pop on Top, poetry, 19/5/23
Troonopvolgers Festival, poetry, 27/4/23
Buurtcafe, Zeeuwse Bibliotheek, Vlissingen, poetry, 6/4/23
Kraamkamer, de Baaierd, Zeeuwse Concertzaal, essay, 16/3/23
Kraamkamer, de Baaierd, Het Beest, poetry, 16/12/22
Kraamkamer, Festival Onderstroom x de Baaierd, poetry, 10/7/22
Festival Onderstroom, poetry, 9/7/22
Kraamkamer, de Baaierd, Minitheater Middelburg, poetry, 18/6/22
Kunstbende, Kunstbende Zeeland, De Mythe, poetry, 3/4/22
BooT, initiative against abandoned buildings, 1/24 - present
Photography workshops, Bibliotheek Oosterschelde, 25/5/24 - 1/6/24
Kunt u het mij vertellen, literary movie, 1/24 - 3/24
Yearbook, yearbook for Liberal Arts and Sciences program at Tilburg University, 8/23 - 6/24
Dichtfestijn, presentation and publication of written poetry for Zeeuws Museum, 26/1/24
The Common Room, newspaper for Liberal Arts and Sciences program at Tilburg University, 8/23 - 6/24
Walking Nine Lives, helped organize fashion show, 11/23 - 2/24
Rubriek Gijs Woldberg, online publications for ROATS Magazine, 12/23
Pride Special, special publication ROATS Magazine, 9/9/23
HZine, student magazine for HZ University of Applied Sciences, 14/6/23
Laat Alles Hier Aarden, Klimaatdichters, climate poetry, 12/8/23
ROATS op Simmerdeis, workshops and literary stage at Simmerdeis Festival Drachten with BROEI for ROATS Magazine, 24/6/23 - 25/6/23
Social Picknick, social gatherings against loneliness with Buurtteams/municipality Vlissingen, 29/6/23 - present
E-Trucks and E-transition, academic project with HZ University of Applied Sciences, Zeeland Connect, and Dek Opleidingen, 5/6/23
4/5 Mei Special, special publication ROATS Magazine, 4/5/23
Kunst en Cultuur Podcast, academic project at HZ University of Applied Sciences, 3/23
Katse Heule, academic project with HZ University of Applied Sciences and Rijkswaterstaat, 12/22
Zeeuwsche Nachtegael, first prize (literature), 1/24
Kunstbende Zeeland, second prize Fashion, 6/11/23
Kunstbende Zeeland, third prize Literature, 6/11/23
LENSE/Tabula Rasa photography competition, second prize, 27/5/23
NEW ZEALAND: Fashion Show (magazine): https://www.mirror-mirror.nl/fashion-talks/mode-in-middelburg-new-zealand-fashion-show-met-oa-lois-wall11
Personal interview (newspaper): https://www.bd.nl/den-bosch/jongeren-in-den-bosch-kiezen-bewust-voor-vintage-een-kwestie-van-stijl-en-duurzaamheid~afa5e73c/?cb=4375ee26-af6e-49fc-8fbc-1145b5433947&%3Bauth_rd=1&auth_rd=1 2/10/24
BooT (project) (newspaper): https://www.pzc.nl/vlissingen/boot-wil-wat-doen-tegen-leegstand-in-vlissingen-maar-voelt-zich-door-niemand-gesteund~a2c0d941/ 19/7/24
Floor is Yours (exhibition) (newspaper): https://www.pzc.nl/middelburg/skaters-van-micha-braaksma-kleuren-kerk-in-middelburg-er-is-meer-dan-het-clichebeeld~a75c5b73/ 8/7/24
Floor is Yours (exhibition) (newspaper): https://wijzijndestad.com/agenda/kunstroute-middelburg-juli-2024-the-floor-is-yours/ 7/7/24
BooT (project) (newspaper): https://www.internetbode.nl/vlissingen/agenda/2024/6/1/stadswandeling-leegstand-in-binnenstad-vlissingen-418717 1/7/24
Personal interview (newspaper): https://indebuurt.nl/denhaag/nieuws/micha-was-bij-het-studentenprotest-in-den-haag-en-maakte-daar-deze-fotos-het-was-erg-indrukwekkend~322069/ 17/5/24
BooT (project) (newspaper): https://www.internetbode.nl/vlissingen/413701/burgerinitiatief-wil-kunst-in-de-binnenstad 26/3/24
BooT (project) (newspaper): https://www.rtvvlissingen.nl/2024/03/24/boot-exposities-in-leegstaande-winkelpanden/ 24/3/24
BooT (project) (newspaper): https://www.omroepzeeland.nl/nieuws/16374864/vlissingse-doorn-in-het-oog-aangepakt-door-kunstenaars 22/3/24
BooT (project) (newspaper): https://www.ad.nl/vlissingen/kunstenaars-gaan-ongezelligheid-te-lijf-vlissingen-kan-dit-goed-gebruiken-je-wordt-er-vrolijk-van~a277a71e/?cb=49e2a2e9-2547-40ef-945a-61d6a2f321de&auth_rd=1 21/3/24
Floor is Yours (exhibition) (newspaper): https://www.internetbode.nl/middelburg/414209/the-floor-is-yours- 3/3/24
Personal interview (event) (newspaper): https://www.pzc.nl/middelburg/theaterproductiehuis-in-middelburg-ruimt-zolder-vol-theatergeschiedenis-op-koopjesjagers-slaan-hun-slag~ab6d715d/ 9/12/23
Vrijheid van Nabijheid (exhibition) (newspaper): https://www.internetbode.nl/beveland/agenda/2023/12/6/expositie-bibliotheek-goes-vrijheid-van-nabijheid-405307 6/12/23
Vrijheid van Nabijheid (exhibition) (website): https://www.kunstinzicht.nl/kunst/tentoonstelling/20332/e24136/bibliotheek-goes-expositie-bibliotheek-goes-vrijheid-van-nabijheid.html 3/11/23
The Hague Fashion Week (project) (website): https://thefashionweek.nl/kunstbende-at-the-fashionweek-lab/ 8/10/23
Personal interview (newspaper): https://www.internetbode.nl/middelburg/398857/mensen-kijken-vooral-uit-nieuwsgierigheid 24/9/23
ROATS Magazine (project) (radio): https://soundcloud.com/wfm96/micha-braaksnma-roats-magazine-19-september-2023?utm_source=clipboard&utm_medium=text&utm_campaign=social_sharing 19/9/23
Dichter op Beeld (project) (newspaper): https://www.internetbode.nl/middelburg/reader/38563#p=1 6/9/23
Personal interview (newspaper): https://www.pzc.nl/middelburg/micha-high-fashionmodel-hoofdredacteur-en-stadsdichter-met-asperger~a34ee572/?cb=a7bbf6e3-97c2-4357-9dc0-a8b1210c75ef&auth_rd=1 31/8/23
Klimaatdichters (project) (website): https://www.poeziecentrum.be/nieuws/laat-alles-hier-titel-aangroei-klimaatdichters 28/8/23
Exhibition Het Lokaal (exhibition) (newspaper): https://wijzijndestad.com/agenda/expositie-micha-braaksma/ 2/7/23
Emergo (exhibition) (newspaper): https://www.internetbode.nl/vlissingen/392282/micha-braaksma-exposeert-in-de-bibliotheek 22/6/23
HZine (project) (radio): https://soundcloud.com/wfm96/micha-braaksnma-hzine-20-juni-2023?utm_source=clipboard&utm_medium=text&utm_campaign=social_sharing 20/6/23
Kunstbende (performance) (newspaper): https://www.pzc.nl/zeeuws-nieuws/winnaars-kunstbende-zeeland-2023-bekend~a7e522f4/#:~:text=De%20grote%20winnaars%20van%20de,categorie%20'Film%20en%20Animatie' 12/6/23
Emergo (exhibition) (radio): https://soundcloud.com/wfm96/micha-braaksnma-expo-zb-vlissingen-6-juni-2023?utm_source=clipboard&utm_medium=text&utm_campaign=social_sharing 6/6/23
Social Picknick (project) (newspaper): https://www.pzc.nl/vlissingen/vlissingse-picknick-moet-eenzaamheid-jongeren-verminderen-als-je-eerste-indruk-niet-goed-is-dan-val-je-buiten-de-boot~aa600e5e/ 10/5/23
Personal interview (radio): https://www.salto.nl/programma/hva-campus-creators/1rLxxIqwuomWUAS8WkWOGS/ 26/4/23
SDG Ambassadorship (project) (youtube): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9sn8Rc9JVDQ 23/4/23
Buurtcafe (performance/event): https://indebuurt.nl/vlissingen/doen/insider-tip-in-dit-buurtcafe-in-vlissingen-ontmoet-je-veel-stadsgenoten~205646/ 5/4/23
Personal interview (study) (website): https://hz.nl/en/testimonials/waarom-micha-blij-is-met-zijn-keuze-voor-global-project-and-change-management 29/11/22
Kraamkamer (performance) (website): https://debaaierd.nl/actueel/2022/hier-blijf-ik-nog-even-staan-kraamkamer-22-iii-op-festival-onderstroom-vlissingen/ 15/7/22
Kraamkamer (performance) (website): https://debaaierd.nl/actueel/2022/kraamkamer1/ 27/4/22
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